Books (single author)

(In progress) Feelable Fashion: Dress and the Sensory Knowledge of Blindness.

Book chapters

2023. “Body Evolutions”. In Radical Fashion Exercises, edited by Laura Gardner and Daphne Mohajer va Pesaran, 40-41. Amsterdam: Valiz.

2023. “Sensuous Description.” In Radical Fashion Exercises, edited by Laura Gardner and Daphne Mohajer va Pesaran, 102-103. Amsterdam: Valiz.



2018. “A Sense of Forgetting and Remembering: Memories of Smell and Clothing,” Clothing Cultures 5:3, pp. 378-389.


2022. “Sight Screen”, The Fashion Studies Journal, 15 August.

2019. “More Than Sight: Embodying Blindness at Dialogue in the Dark,” The Fashion Studies Journal, 18 March.

2019. “Program Profile: PhD in Fashion & Textiles, RMIT University”, The Fashion Studies Journal, 4 July.

2017. “Ai Weiwei’s Laundromat and the Aesthetics of Displacement,” The Fashion Studies Journal, 27 January.


2020. “Feel Like a Woman: Blind women and the fashioning of femininity,”Critical Fashion Studies Conference, University of Melbourne, Australia, February.

2019. “‘Just Looking’: Shopping for clothes with people who are blind,” AAANZ, University of Auckland, New Zealand, December.

2018. "A Sense of Forgetting and Remembering: Memories of Smell and Clothing," Uncommon Senses 2, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, May.

2017. “A Cyborg and A Contemporary Dancer: Future Performances of the Dressed Body and Technology,” Interwoven: Dress That Crosses Borders and Challenges Boundaries, International Conference of Dress Historians, London, UK, October.

Media & Other

2024. “Fashion and Blindness”. Interviewed by Adele Varcoe for Feeling Fashion podcast, 6 September.

2020. Australian Fashion Summit, student speaker, 13 March.

2019. ABC Radio (NSW), fashion history guest, 5 episodes broadcast 2-30 October.